Конференция “Telecommunications, Computing and Control” (TELECCON-2019)

23 Ноября 2019
Конференция “Telecommunications, Computing and Control” (TELECCON-2019)

18-19 ноября в Политехе прошла конференция “Telecommunications, Computing and Control” (TELECCON-2019) с публикацией принятых докладов в сборнике Communications in Computer and Information Science (издательство Springer, индексация в Scopus).

Список докладов конференции:

Small Conference Hall: Topic 1 – Machine Learning


Vasiliy Krundyshev and Maxim Kalinin.

Generative adversarial network for detecting cyber threats in industrial systems


Maxim Kalinin, Vasiliy Krundyshev, Viacheslav Belenko and Valery Chernenko. Detection and prediction of safety faults in inter-device networks applying a set of data-driven method


Ivan Deylid and Sergey Molodyakov.

Development of algorithm for determining the railway tracks on video image


Al-Windi Basim and Vladimir Tutygin.

Plant disease recognition system based on multi-dimensional descriptions of leaf RGB images


Georgy Shevlyakov, Iuliia Kamaletdinova and Dmitri Jakovlev.

Feature Based Plant Seedlings Classification


Lev Utkin, Andrei Konstantinov, Anna Meldo, Victoria Sokolova and Frank Coolen. The Deep Survival Forest and Elastic-Net-Cox Cascade models as extensions of the Deep Forest


Coffee break


Lev Utkin, Maxim Kovalev and Ernest Kasimov.

An explanation method for Siamese neural networks


Mikhail Kots and Mikhail Pozigun.

Semi-Supervised learning for medical image segmentation


Polina Andropova, Dmitriy Cheremisin and Anna Meldo.

A computer-aided diagnosis system in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis


Sergey Nesterov and Elena Smolina.

Predicting students’ performance on MOOC using data mining algorithms


Alexey Lukashin, Mikhail Popov, Dmitrii Timofeev and Igor Mikhalev.

Employee Performance Analytics Approach based on Anomaly Detection in User Activity


Dmitry Baskakov and Dmitry Arseniev.

On the Computational Complexity of Deep Learning Algorithms


Room B3.20: Topic 2 – Modelling and Simulation


Georgiy Zhemelev and Alexandr Sidnev.

Using Symbolic Computing to Find Stochastic Process Duration Distribution Laws


Evgeniy Ivanov, Aleksandr Zharkovskii, Igor Borshchev and Arsentiy Klyuyev.

Comparison of the Shape of Digital Models of Pump Components


Rustamkhan Abdikarimov, Bakhodir Normuminov and Dadakhan Khodzhaev.

Parametric Oscillations of Viscoelastic Ortotropic Rectangular Plates of Variable Thickness


Georgy Shevlyakov, Kiseon Kim and Vladimir Prourzin.

Computer Modeling of Robust Control of Vibrationless Movement of Multi-mode Flexible Structures


Vadim Glazunov, Mikhail Chuvatov, Leonid Kurochkin, Alexander Chernyshev, Mikhail Kurochkin and Leonid Hanin.

Application of the Hybrid Model for Numerical Modeling of the Urban Transport Network Topology


Egor Starobinskii, Nikita Mushchak, Svetlana Kraeva, Sergei Hlopin and Egor Shel.

On The Implementation Of The Planar3D Model Using The Explicit Time Integration Scheme And The Statistical Front Tracking Method


Coffee break


Nikita Mushchak, Egor Starobinskii, Sergei Hlopin and Egor Shel.

Fast Fourier Transform in Planar3D model using an explicit numerical integration scheme


Konstantin Semenov and Anastasia Tselishcheva.

The Interval Method of Bisection for Solving the Nonlinear Equations with Interval-Valued Parameters


Oleg Drozd, Pavel Avlasko, Semen Bordyugov and Denis Kapulin.

An automated measuring complex for research parameters of unmanned aerial vehicle


Evgenij Gritskevich, Marina Egorenko, Diana Makarova, Sergei Novikov, Alexey Polikanin and Aelita Shaburova.

Computer Model For Analysis Of The Process Of Image Construction In Optical-Electronic Visualization Systems


Mohie Alqezweeni and Vladimir Gorbachenko.

Solution of partial differential equations on radial basis functions networks


Vladislav Shishlakov, Elizaveta Vataeva, Natalia Reshetnikova and Dmitry Shishlakov.

Parametric synthesis of nonlinear continuous and impulsed systems


Small Conference Hall: Topic 3 – Software Engineering


Pavel Pankov and Igor Nikiforov.

Hardware and software system for collection, storage and visualization meteorological data from a weather stand


Vitaly Monastyrev and Pavel Drobintsev.

Methodology of service development with a single Application Programming Interface


Tamara Chistyakova, Roman Makaruk, Ilya Sadykov and Christian Kohlert.

Methods and technologies for protecting pharmaceutical products in polymer packaging from counterfeiting


Vladimir Ivanov, Alexander Klygach, Sergey Strelkov and Dmitry Arseniev.

Medical training simulation in virtual reality


Ilia Voronkov and Sergey Saradgishvili.

Usage of a BART algorithm and cognitive services to research collaboration platforms


Evgenii Timoshchuk, Sergey Kuznetsov, Ziyomukhammad Usmonov, Utih Amartiwi, Farah Atif and Harrif Saliu.

Assessing the quality of the requirements specification by applying GQM approach and AHP technique


Konstantin Semenov and Vyacheslav Sal'Nikov               .

The Solution of “If-Problem” in Computations with Multi-valued Variables Based on Operator Overloading


Elena Orekhova, Oxana Romashkova and Elena Pavlicheva.

Automatization of organization and support of continuous and open education


Yuliya Kocherzhinskaya, Elena Ilina, Nikita Dyakonov, Daria Arefieva, Tatiana Antonova and Il'Ia Levandovskii.

Transformation, visualization and analysis different kind of study information contained in the students' electronic portfolio


Dmitry Sakharov, V.A. Lipatnikov, V.S. Yarmush and Igor Potekhin.

A way to increase the speed of a digital signature with the required level of security in the information network


Stanislav Krainikovsky, Roman Samarev and Mikhail Melnikov.

Predicting personality from image preferences: tendencies, models and implementation


Room B3.20:

Topic 4 – Communications and Signal Processing, Topic 5 – Computer Architecture and Devices


Valery Tryapitsyn and Sergey Kruglov.

Simulation of the operation of logic circuits of a control system for an acousto-optical spectrum analyzer based on FPGA


Vladimir Badenko, Andrey Antonov, Anatoliy Belyaevskiy, Lei Zhang, Rahul Dev Garg and Alexander Fedotov.

Radio-frequency positioning methods for solving the problem of high precision 2D positioning


Gleb Zaitsev, Alexei Vassiliev and Kien Trinh Quang.

Methods and techniques for increasing the accuracy of continuous single heartbeat blood pressure measure-ment under dynamic loads


Iuliia Tropkina, Sergey Zavjalov and Dong Ge.

Synchronization scheme for UWB Wireless Sensor Network System


Alexander Antonov, Vladimir Zaborovskij and Ivan Kisilev.

Developing a new generation of Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Distributed High Performance Computing System


Andrey Krasov, Pavel Karelsky, Igor Zuyev, Max Kovzur and Alexsander Tasyuk.

Research and evaluation of the most significant quantitative characteristics of MPLS equipment


Polina Zviagintseva, Dmitry Nikulin, Valery Reichert, Sergey Shergin, Igor Karmanov and Vladimir Korneyev.

Study of the Microstrip Waveguide Prototype Model for Use as a Retunable Diffraction Grating


Polina Zviagintseva, Evgenij Gritskevich, Sergei Novikov, Diana Makarova, Marina Egorenko and Aelita Shaburova.

The Use Of Digital Cameras For Multispectral Registration With An Unmanned Aircraft


Nikita Kulikov, Elena Yaitskaya, Arina Shvedova and Vladimir Zhalnin.

Power consumption meter for energy monitoring and debugging


Vadim Shpenst and Andrei Terleev.

LoRaWAN gateway coverage evaluation for smart city applications


Room B3.20: Topic 6 – Intelligent Control Systems


Sergey Sergeev, Vladimir Ivanov and Oleg Ipatov.

Enactivism in the conceptual basis of the non-classical theory of management of ergatic systems


Dmitri Kostenko, Vadim Onufriev and Vyacheslav Shkodyrev.

Solving multicriteria optimization problem for an oil refinery plant


Vladislav Kovalevsky and Vadim Onufriev.

Hierarchical multi-agent system for production control using KPI reconciliation


Aleksandr Titov, Sergey Krasnov, Andrey Timofeev and Victor Denisov.

Complex monitoring systems for landfills


Elena Averchenkova.

Modeling the control object in the management system of the regional socio-economic system


Dmitry Baskakov and Vyacheslav Shkodyrev.

Deep Predictive Control